Black Cemeteries are Black History

The USF African American Burial Grounds and Remembering Project Team presented at the Tampa Bay History Center for the February 16, 2022 Florida Conversations programs series. Find out how people across the country and the Tampa Bay Area are working to counter Black cemetery erasure. View the informative and enlightening…
African American Burial Grounds and Remembering Project

The goal of the African American Burial Grounds and Remembering Project is to recover and engage the public on the lost history of African American burial grounds in Tampa Bay. In Tampa Bay and across the nation, a number of African American burial grounds and cemeteries have been lost to history,…
Our Mission

The mission of the USF Heritage Research Lab is to develop applied research projects in collaboration with communities and civic organizations interested in preserving and promoting heritage as a key cultural resource for education and empowerment of all community residents and visitors.